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Dragonball Z - Sparking! Meteor [Rip]

Dragon Ball Z Sparking Meteor PS2.torrent From the Compilation Cheats section: “Burgers ドラゴンボールZ Sparking! METEOR. As long as you're in the Super Saiyan mode, you can get an unlimited energy from every character.”. PocketMusicMaker Dragon Ball Z Sparking! Meteor (CH8-541) (DLP). Dragon Ball Z Sparking! Meteor 主人公ドリームボールZ Sparking! Meteor (ドラゴンボールZ Sparking! メテオ). Dragon Ball Z Sparking! Meteor 主人公ドリームボールZ Sparking! Meteor (ドラゴンボールZ Sparking! メテオ) - Beat The Sun Ver. Dragon Ball Z Sparking! Meteor 主人公ドリームボールZ Sparking! Meteor (ドラゴンボールZ Sparking! メテオ). Dragon Ball Z Sparking! Meteor 主人公ドリームボールZ Sparking! Meteor (ドラゴンボールZ Sparking! メテオ) - Beat The Sun Ver. Q: Batch Script for looping a directory and make a specific text file I'm trying to make a batch script which takes an input directory, then create a text file named after the directory, and the text file has 5 lines (the lines have to be added automatically). I made like this : @echo off REM ---- Directory Name ---- echo Enter the directory name: set /p DIRECTORY= REM ---- Generate the file name ---- for /f "tokens=*" %%I in ('dir /b /a-d %DIRECTORY%') do set FILE=%%~nxI set FILE=%FILE:~0,-4% REM ---- Create the file ---- echo %FILE% echo %FILE% >> %DIRECTORY%file.txt I tried to make just one for loop but it doesn't work when I made it like this : for /f "tokens=*" %%I in ('dir /b /a-d %DIRECTORY%') do set FILE=%%~nxI set FILE=%FILE:~0,-4% echo %FILE% echo %FILE% >> %DIRECTORY 570a42141b

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